Fast Forward

I went to the day unit to have my bloods taken and whilst I was having that done the doctor came over to say that my counts had already dipped and then come back up to normal levels. This is a bit unusual as in the past my counts have declined steadily and taken quite a while to come back up, especially the haemoglobin levels.

The doc suggested this recovery might be because of the GCSF Neulasta injection on Tuesday and it catching things just at the right time with its slow release. He has asked me to call on Monday to check what my counts are from today and then if they are still ok we can look at reducing my visits for bloods and general monitoring to just one or two days a week instead of three.

I'm currently a bit sceptical and wonder if the early dip and rise is just a dress rehearsal for the real thing , but that is probably just me errring on the side of caution. The human body is an amazing thing so we'll see what happens over the next few days.


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