Fresh blood!

I arrived at the day unit yesterday just before 09:00 and started my transfusion at about 09:30 I had three units of red cells and a unit of platelets which took most of the day and was finished by 16:30.

Dad gave me a lift there and then I was able to persuade him to go home and come back and fetch me later. I was still feeling quite tired and I was able to have a few short dozes while sitting in the chair.

By the end of the day I was feeling much better and a 10 hour sleep overnight also helped make me feel much more like my usual self today. I've still been a bit tired and managed to fall asleep on the settee for a couple of hours whilst watching the golf this afternoon.

Hopefully I'll continue to improve over the weekend ready for work on Monday after I have been to the day unit for bloods.


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