
I've had a lazy morning after staying up late last night tinkering on my PC after upgrading to the latest version of Kubuntu.

On the subject of relaxing, now that my counts are back to normal I can afford to relax a little on my general anti-infection regime. I still need to be careful. If I was to catch a bug or a cold now it would probably delay my next round of chemo until I had got over it. What would be worse would be getting something that has an incubation period and not being aware of it that could then flare up in the midst of chemo or whilst my counts were dropping again.

Still Gareth is up from Portsmouth so he was able to visit and stop over on Wednesday night and tomorrow the plan is to visit Andy and see his new iMac and the new internal doors he has had fitted in his house.

Now I've promised myself I'll finish doing the ironing before any more tinkering


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