I had a letter from the hospital, from the Bone Marrow Transplant co-ordinator in fact, inviting me for a series of tests on the 5th June.

This is basically an MOT to check I'm doing ok and will be healthy enough to have the donor stem cell transfusion, well more specifically be healthy enough to have the conditioning treatment before the transfusion.

So on the 5th June I'll have a lung function test, a ECG and echocardiogram and a GFR Kidney Test.

The heart and kidney tests I've had done recently and they were fine so hopefully they'll be no problem. I've not had a lung function test but assume it involved some huffing and puffing. As someone who has never even tried a cigarette hopefully this will be fine too.

It'll be a long day with much toing and froing between departments but my long suffering, never complaining Dad will be there to keep me company.


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