Ticking along

I slept ok and the bone aches are too bad this morning. I had some paracetamol at about 07:00 and haven't had to have any since then.

There's nothing medical going on this weekend (I'm pleased to say) and in theory I'll just be ticking along to the clinic every Monday , Wednesday and Friday for blood tests.

I've gotten into the habit of posting a blog entry every day and I think this is a useful routine to have so, even when there isn't much going on, I'll find something to write about just so people can see I'm still about.

Last night I cooked a most delicious Sag Aloo spinach and potato curry using a kit from http://kitchenguru.co.uk

The company is run by a relative of a guy I work with and the kits are really great. They have all the spices you need for a particular meal in the right proportions and simple recipe card. You can order them online or get from places like Waitrose.

This morning I have been doing geeky things with my computer keyboard and have updated my other techno blog http://raetsel.wordpress.com but I really wouldn't worry about reading that one unless you are a real geek :o)


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