Needles and pins

I slept ok but my chest is a little sore this morning. The doctor said this might be the case as she had been "poking around in it." Which I take to be a medical term.

I went to the clinic this morning and had bloods taken the old fashioned way with a needle in the arm. My old faithful vein on the edge of my left arm came out of retirement without complaint.

Tomorrow I go to see my consultant ( or one of her team ) to discuss the next steps.

Aside from a song by the Searchers , I also have needles and pins, or pins and needles if you prefer in the tips of my fingers. This peripheral neuropathy is one of the side effects of the vincristine. It's not too bad , they tingle and feel a little bit "raw". They should go back to normal a few months after the last dose of vincristine.


Lynette said…
You are too young to know those songs

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