T + 7 My Constant Companion

Things are settling down into a pattern at the moment and there's nothing much new to report. My appetite is returning and my nausea diminishing. I'm still quite tired during the day and have a couple of naps usually despite sleeping well at night.

One thing that has helped me through the rough times ( and the good ) is my Pure Siesta Digital Radio. When I was really struggling with the blood pressure headaches and nausea last week it was on almost 24 hours a day. I'd listen to Radio 4 in the morning then Steve Right on Radio 2 in the afternoon and then BBC 7 Drama and Comedy hours. BBC 7 would start to repeat itself after midnight so then I would switch to Janice Long and Alex Lester on Radio 2 for the early hours as I drifted in and out of sleep.

The doctor has just seen me and said everything is still going well , my neutrophil count is 0.1 so virtually zero but my platelets are holding at 100 ( they were 240 when I came in ). In her words I am "cheap date" when it comes to platelets.

My haemoglobin is 10 ( usually 14 ) so I may need some red blood cells in the next few days. Tomorrow I am going to start on some GCSF injections to boost my stem cells into producing blood cells. I've had these before and the only problem is that I often get quite bad bone pain with them so the doc has lined up some codeine pain killers if I can't manage on just paracetamol.


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