T + 13 Busy Day Ahead

I slept for pretty much 12 hours straight from 20:00 last night apart from a few breaks for having my antibiotic or popping to the loo. Even so I am still exhausted this morning and could sleep another 12 hours I'm sure.

The bone pain isn't too bad at all so far though it usually comes on worse after I have the day's GCSF injection, due in about 2 hours. I'm still running a temperature .

The professor saw me and said my progress was excellent, my counts are rising and that shows the transplant has worked. They just need to sort out this temperature and so today I am going for a CT scan of the chest and head , especially my sinuses as I do sound a bit nasal now and then.

The professor thinks it could actually be my hickman line causing the temperature spikes and there is no need for me to have it in now so that will be removed later today as well.

Once my temperature is sorted out I can go home so hopefully that will only be a few days away.,


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