Rinse and Repeat

I 'phoned the ward at 09:15 this morning expecting to be told to at
least call back after 12:00 when the docs had done their rounds, but
the bed was all ready for me and I was asked to get here for about

I am now back in room 6 but bed 8 this time. Only one bed in this room
I haven't been in. Wonder if I get nectar points when I complete the

There are a couple of familiar faces on the ward so we have been
catching up with where we are with treatments etc.

This round of chemo is a repeat of the first one I had at the end of
March so hopefully I know what to expect.

The first job will be to get a line in of some sort. Though I am now a
priority for a hickman line they are talking about a PICC line again
to start at least.




Andy H said…
Fingers crossed for a trouble-free stay for you again this time. Good that you can meet up with the 'usual suspects'.

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