Stirred but not Shaken

After a bag of fluids to fully hydrate me I started my next chemo drug
at 12:00 660mg cyclophosphamide in 500 ml saline over 3 hours along
with 800mg Mesna in 500mg over 12 hours this is to protect my bladder
from the cyclophosphamide.

This regime is repeated every 12 hours for three days so that means I
had to have a fresh bag of cyclophosphamide fitted at about 02:30 this
morning along with more mesna. So that means alarms bleeping and
general disturbance in the early hours.

The guy in the bed opposite is on a similar regime but different
timings which means from about 01:45 to 03:30 I didn't get much sleep
so I listened to BBC radio 7 until I dropped off. I slept through to
obs at 06:00

I'm not too tired at the moment but suspect a nap will be on the cards
between visitors today. My brother is coming in the afternoon and Andy
this evening so mom and dad get a day off.



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