Pills All Popped

Last night I finished my Fluloxacilin antibiotics that I was taken after having my PICC line removed.

That means I am now only taking one Allopurinol anti-gout tablet in the morning and using the anti-bac mouthwash four times a day. Quite a reduction from when I was on steroids, anti-fungal and stomach tablets as well.

Working a full day and I have also been able to take a turn round the duckpond today ( well a turn and a half in fact ). Not as warm today but pleasant enough.


Anonymous said…
Just out of interest Simon, can you tell from your blog stats how many users are viewing your blog through an RSS reader?

Von x
Gordon said…
Glad your working through the pills,got any to spare for pseudo gout(only joking)Lynette is like me we know how to switch on and look at the techno stuff but I'm lucky to have a personal Teckie
raetsel said…
Hi Yvonne, no it doesn't seem to show that it only lists the main browser types like Safai, IE, Mozilla, Firefox, Konqueror etc.

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