T + 31 Activity Day

Well I never got a call from the hospital about my ciclosporin levels yesterday or to confirm when I need to go to the day unit for bloods so I booked myself in for Monday bloods and later spoke to one of the haematology nurses to find out what was happening.

I didn't get a call about ciclosporin levels yesterday because my level had come back up to the right point based on my Wednesday blood test, (whereas it was a bit low from last Monday ). So it is steady as she goes and see if I am fluctuating still on Monday.

Aside from that today has been a bit of an activity day. I drove Arthur for the first time in about six weeks. Popped over to Mom and Dad's for a coffee and a chat ( and to scrounge an onion for tonight's spaghetti bolognaise ). The plan is that on Monday I'll drive and pick Dad up as we go to the day unit. This is a trial run before I go on my own so if for some reason I don't feel up to driving back Dad will be there to take over. Hopefully though it won't be a problem.

I've also been doing a little light exercise on the Wii Fit The balance games and yoga poses are just the right level of exercise for me at the moment and maybe I'll build up to the more aerobic exercises over time. I certainly enjoy doing yoga again. I used to do it quite regularly on my own and got quite flexible, it would be good to get back to that level again.

For great spoof trailer for the Wii Fit check out this You Tube Video


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