T + 21 Full Day Home

It was great to sleep in my own bed. I got up about 08:30 and had a shower and then had to have a rest because of my customary morning "crash". My blood pressure drops and I feel really, really tired so I just have to rest for a while.

I watched a couple of shows I had recorded whilst I was in hospital and then Mom and Dad came over for lunch and stayed for a couple of hours. In the afternoon I managed to iron three and half shirts before I felt tired again.

I also prepared the potatoes and veg for tonight's dinner. Gareth cooked Ikea Meat Balls and the mild curry sauce with potatoes, carrots and broccoli. It was very tasty, especially the veg which I always miss when in hospital.

I also ploughed my way through the requisite three, yes three, litres of fluids. This is to protect my kidneys from the effects of the ciclosporin.

In the morning in my first transplant clinic at the hospital. Dad is going to take me as I'm not feeling up to driving in the mornings.


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