T + 25 Hair We Go Again

Oops forgot to do a blog entry for yesterday. Well it wasn't that exciting ( unlike all my other posts :o) Dad took me to the day unit to have my bloods taken including a cross-match for my blood transfusion on Monday.

I asked if I could take regular antacid and trapped wind remedies as I tend to suffer a bit with that in the evenings. They said yes over the counter stuff was fine so between Dad and Gareth I now have selection of Gavascon, Remagel, Tums etc. to see what helps.

After the day unit I had lunch at Mom and Dad's and then came back to the flat and just did a bit of pottering about , reading and napping.

I had a lie in this morning until 10:00 and then we had a visit from Andy about 11:00

Oh the other thing I meant to mention was that my hair has fallen out again. It started whilst I was in hospital and on the last Friday I was in hospital Dad brought my clippers in and trimmed it all off. Since then I have had a wet shave and got rid of the last of the patchy fuzz. I still have my eyebrows and eyelashes at the moment and hopefully in about four ot five weeks my hair should start to grow back.

The rest of the day is generally planned to be very lazy, well for me at least, Gareth is planning a cleaning spree, apparently.


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