T + 20 Home Run!

The doctors came round this morning and gave me the all clear to go home. As you can imagine I was delighted and just a little bit surprised as I thought I'd be in another day.

I had to have some magnesium in a 500 ml saline drip and then Dad came and collected me and I was back at Mom and Dad's by about 14:45 .

Gareth had booked the day off work in anticipation of this being the date four weeks after my admission which worked out perfectly. He came over to Mom and Dad's for about 16:00 having been to Ikea for more things for the flat and to stock the fridge and freezer with food. I got back to the flat just after 17:00

Gareth has been working hard on decorating the flat over the last four weeks in what little spare time he has had and it looks really great.

For my tea I had a small portion of gnocci with a tomato sauce it was nice to have something with some texture and flavour. I'm still taking it easy with food but my appetite is returning.

I'll probably post more about my whole hospital experience over the next few days.

It's great to be back.


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