
I slept well and woke feeling much better than I have done for a few days now.

Dad took me to the day unit as Gareth had gone back down to Portsmouth and borrowed Arthur to bring back the last of his stuff.

After bloods at the day unit I spent the afternoon logged on to work and felt fine. So let's hope I've turned the corner on this one.

I've been looking back over the treatment journal I keep and there does seem to be a pattern to my fatigue and general yuckiness. In April, May and June I seem to have a bad patch at around 16 to 20 days after I started a particular round of chemo.

I'll keep an eye on this for the fourth and hopefully final round of chemo in a week or so's time. Not that I can do much to stop the fatigue but forewarned is forearmed as they say.

Oh and for those of you keeping count, today is day 84 since I went in for my first round of chemo on 27th March. Doesn't time fly when you are having fun.


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