First night

Had my first visitors last night, first Mom and Dad then Gareth. It was great to see them though overall I kept myself quite busy during the day and can chat to fellow patients.

I didn't start my chemo yesterday after all. The drug i was going to have called retuximab is a new fangled mono-clonal antibody and because of the cost they need to do 'named patient' funding i.e. only apply for drug once patient is definitely ready. having been snuck on the ward as it were , the docs tried their best to rush the paperwork through but did not succeed. I wonder if some accountant wants to get it in the new budget that starts in April?

The retuximab is one part of my treatment the other part is the more traditional hyperCVAD so they will start that today. the doctors don't seem too concerned about the order of the treatments.

I've just had my first drug, a tablet that is a preventative to gout that could be caused by the hyperCvad. It's called allopurinol , not sure of the spelling but I shall be consulting Dr Google shortly. The docs must love me :o)

I slept ok overnight dropped off about 23:00 a bit restless at some point in the early hours as my neck is still stiff from the line being fitted. I was woken at 06:00 to have blood pressure etc. taken.


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