A day in the life of ward East 3a

My mom was asking if I was getting bored or lonely while being in hospital and it hasn't been too bad at all. Not least because there is always something going on. I kept a little diary for Friday here's how it went:

06:00 Blood pressure and temperature taken (obs)
06:45 Cyclophospamide put on drip
07:15 Drinks trolley
08:15 Breakfast and drinks trolley again
09:00 Drugs trolley (allopurinol + lansoprazole)
09:15 Bed linen changed
09:45 Newspaper trolley
10:15 Obs
10:30 Doctor's round
11:00 Cyclophosphamide drip ends and central line flushed.
12:00 Cleaners
12:15 Lunch and drinks trolley
13:30 Drugs trolley ( fluconazole + dexamethasone )
14:00 Obs ( and visiting time )
14:30 Drinks trolley
16:00 Visiting ends
17:30 Drinks trolley
17:45 Dinner
18:15 Obs
18:30 Visiting time ( Mom + Dad )
19:00 Next batch of cyclophosphamide fitted
19:30 Gareth arrives
20:30 Visiting ends
21:00 Drinks trolley
22:00 Obs
23:00 Cyclophospamide ends and line capped

Then it all starts again at 06:00 the next day.


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