
I went into the Planned Investigation unit at 08:00 this morning. I went down to the X Ray theatre at about 10:30 and I was back on the ward by 12:00. The process of having line in was not too bad. I had some very light sedation that just made me care a little less about what was going on. There were some odd feelings and at one point it felt like the doctor had his knee on my neck, which I'm sure he didn't.

I was monitored for a few hours back on the ward and then, whilst waiting for the ok from the doctor, was told to get dressed ready to go at about 16:00. Ten minutes later I was asked to come to 'phone to talk to the doctor. I thought I was going to be discharged by 'phone and perhaps given a clinic date for next week, but instead the doctor said she had some good news for me. They had a bed for me in the Haematology Ward right now and would I like to get booked in to start my treatment.

Well it was a bit of a shock but given how hard it proved to get a bed a couple of weeks ago I decided to go for it. So I sent my Dad home to get stuff like PJs etc to bring in later that evening and I went and got settled on the ward.

It is QE Hospital Ward East 3A in the Green Zone in room 6 which I share with 4 other inmates, sorry fellow patients.

I had been there for about an hour when the doctor comes over to say I can go home for the evening if I want to. I am now officially admitted and the bed is mine so I can have one last night of freedom as long as I am back on the ward by 07:00 tomorrow ( before the commandant does a bed check perhaps?).

So I came home to stop at Mom and Dad's for the night and to be able to sort my stuff out and put Arthur back in his own garage.

It's been a funny old day and I am a bit tired and my neck is rather stiff but things are finally on the move and I guess the sooner I start the sooner I'll finish.

So I go back tomorrow 26th March and will probably be in for five or six days for the first round of Chemo.

You wait ages for a hospital bed and then two come along on the same day.


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