T + 181 Go Slow

Well the weekend was of necessity a slow one. My sinuses and cold were still playing up though improving but also I think my haemoglobin has "crashed" as coming up the stairs creased me for the next hour or so. If you've ever exercised to the point where you feel like you are going to be sick that's how I feel at the moment after the lightest of exertion.

To cap it all it looks like my Graft Vs Host Disease is coming back. I can see the tell-tale red pin-prick rash round my neck. I'm still on steroids but only 5mg ( down from 100mg about 4 weeks ag0 ). I used some betnovate steroid cream on it and hope that will stop it before it spreads too far.

Suffice it to say I didn't log on to work this morning and probably won't tomorrow either. Wednesday is the transplant clinic as usual and I will be able to discuss all these ailments and see where we go from there.

On a lighter note, in the post today I received my RinkyDinks CD. The RinkyDinks are a self-styled Ukulele supergroup and do covers of modern pop songs ( and standards ) . They are very good. Check out the video below of a Kaiser Chiefs cover and go visit their MySpace page.


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