T + 175 Sinuses (PG)

Rated PG for mucus.

I spent Saturday night back at the flat having moved out for the previous week to Mom and Dad's whilst the bathroom was being done.

I didn't sleep well and on Sunday had a bad headache and my sinuses were blocked. I think all the dust from the building work upset them. I moved back to Mom and Dad's on Sunday but my sinuses haven't cleared properly.

I have a slightly tender right cheek, my mouth feels like my teeth don't fit properly on that side and I am producing some green sticky mucus from the right nostril when I blow my nose.

I can't take my usual sudafed as it interacts with my amlodipine blood pressure tablets. Paracetamol are helping with the pain but I think I might have a sinus infection. Green as opposed to clear mucus is often a sign of infection.

If things haven't improved by tomorrow I will ring the hospital and I may need to go up to get some more antibiotics. Just when I was hoping to have a week off from the hospital too.

The bathroom should be finished tomorrow and then Gareth is going clean the flat before I return on Thursday.


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