T + 78 Wot No Blood

I went to the transplant clinic this morning and saw one of the registrars rather than the consultant. I don't have a problem with that as I have always got on well with this particular registrar.

The headline news is that my haemoglobin was 10.3 so the same as last week and since it has been stable for two weeks and is above the magic 10 number, the registrar recommended we cancelled the transfusion for tomorrow and I agreed as this had been the plan agreed with the consultant last week.

We also agreed to do another week on flucloxacillin to try to help with the folliculitis ( note I can spell it properly now ) .

Aside from that things were pretty routine, my neutrophils are 1.7 so a little down from last week but these can fluctuate. Still well above the 1.0 level which is a trigger for the evil GCSF.

Finally, as agreed last week I've now got a clinic appointment for two weeks time and hopefully will be able to stay on fortnightly visits if all remains stable. I just hope I remember I don't need to go to the clinic next week.

One thing I don't think I have mentioned is that I have a CT scan booked for Monday 15th December. This will be roughly three months after the transplant and will show if my lymph nodes are still clear and I remain in remission. Quite an important scan and with a following wind I should get the results when I go to the clinic on the 17th.

Those of you who read this blog directly on the blogspot.com site and not via an RSS Feed Reader will notice I've put the christmas decorations up. This is courtesy of the site skincorner plus a couple of very minor tweaks to the template by me. ( Oh and if you don't know what an RSS Feed Reader is then don't worry that means you are probably not using one. :o)


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