Yes today I am 40. My goodness that feels a very grown up age to be. I've had some great presents including the ideal thing for a gadget loving coffee drinker, a Tassimo machine from Gareth and a DAB Radio alarm from Andy and Paul. From work I had a card signed by everyone and £50 Waterstone's token, can't wait to spend that. Loads of other nice things as well as £90 in cash. I feel a gadget purchase coming on. Meanwhile back at the lymphoma.....I went for bloods today, my haemoglobin was still low but stable. About 13:00 I had a 'phone call and it was one of the doctors at the hospital. My first thought was "no not a blood transfusion today" however it was actually a call to say I should ring the ward on Monday to see if they have a bed for me for my last round of chemo. Whilst I'm not looking forward to this round as it is the nastier drugs and 6 litres of sodium bicarb fluids a day it should be my last round before the stem cell transplant so that i...