T + 232 Light at the end of the Tunnel

I went to the transplant clinic yesterday and saw my usual consultant.

She had a look at the rash on my chest and neck, which had abated somewhat after just one day's use of the betnovate steroid cream. She said it is definitely a case of limited but chronic Graft Versus Host Disease and it could grumble on for months. She recommended upping my steroids from 10mg one day and 5mg the next to be 10mg everyday and stay like that for the next month.

I must admit my heart sank at the prospect of another month on steroids as that meant another month in Purdah so I thought I would just see how restrictive I needed to be. She asked me what I had been doing up to now and I said the very occasional visit to the local shop when there was literally no-one else in apart from the shopkeeper. Rather pleasingly she said I could sneak into the occasional cinema or restaurant ( good quality of course, not Filthy McNasty's Greasy Spoon - my words not hers ).

I asked about going in to the office a couple of days a week and she said that I could as long as I avoided it if my work colleagues had any sniffles, colds, upset stomachs etc.

So this is really encouraging, albeit on a limited scale, I can start to re-integrate myself into civilised society. Compared to not going out at all this is a huge improvement for me. 

My next appointment is in three weeks with the usual proviso that if anything changes such as the rash getting much worse, any cold sniffles or a temperature  then I was get in touch with them any time day or night and they would access the situation. 


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