T + 247 Not Going Out

Well after all last week's excitement this week has been much quieter.

The weekend was the usual quiet mix of relaxation and chores, the highlight of which watching the Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday evening, complete with scorecards.

I haven't been back to the office this week as I had the nod from work on Monday that there were coughs and sneezes in the vicinity in particular from someone who had been to continental Europe and I certainly don't want any of those nasty foreign germs. :o) 

This has been a bit of a disappointment as I really enjoyed my couple of days in the office. However the tide of snot is ebbing by all accounts ( sorry couldn't resist the imagery ) so hopefully I can go in next week.

Work has been pretty intense this week with several disparate tasks that have required extended periods of concentration. I've managed ok but at the end of the day I am quite tired and only feel like vegging out on sofa watching TV of an evening, though I have managed to cook some nice dinners. 

I've been in bed by about 22:00 each night and asleep pretty much straight away. It feels a bit of a guilty pleasure just letting the TV wash over me but I don't have a lot of choice when I feel like that. Mind you I have been able to read a fair bit of Anthill and Stars by Kevin Duffy which has been very enjoyable.

On the social side however I have another outing tomorrow. Gareth and I are going to see Anthony and The Johnsons at the Symphony Hall. We booked this back in Jan and it has been an on again, off again since then as my condition has varied so it will be good to actually make it. We'll have a bite to eat beforehand somewhere in the environs of Symphony Hall / Brindley Place.

Finally, I've had good news about two of my friends this week. One was a contractor at our place who I've kept in touch with and he has just landed a good six month contract for a mobile phone processing company. The other is the chap whose psychology dissertation I reviewed, he's been offered a fully funded PhD at Birmingham University and I'm really pleased for him not least since my attempts at full time academia weren't quite so successful. ( But that is story for another day).


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