Start the Week...........

...........not with Andrew Marr, or Melvyn Bragg ( or even Robert Robinson ) but with a trip to the day unit for blood tests and a line flush. It seemed ages since I was there last but it was only a week. After that I drove in to the office and did a half day.

I've also had my clinic appointment with the consultant who will be handling my stem cell transplant to discuss in detail all the whys and wherefores of the procedure. This is on the 14th August.

Although we've been talking about the transplant for nearly a year now, this will be the chance to get down to all the nitty gritty and discuss the fine detail of what is involved. Everything I've gone through up to now has been a dress rehearsal for this. To use a footballing analogy I've come through the qualifying rounds and now I'm in the finals. ( I hope there aren't any penalty shoot outs ahead).


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