Back to "normal"

This morning I returned to Purdah proper and logged on to work from home.

My conjunctivitis has spread to the other eye, which was kind of inevitable. I spoke to the triage nurse at the eye hospital yesterday and she said it was ok to use the same bottle of eye drops for each eye which saved me a trip to the eye hospital.

My cold continues to bumble along not getting any worse nor any better at the moment.

I spoke to the Bone Marrow Transplant co-ordinator on the 'phone this morning and told her about my ailments. She said not to worry they will probably all clear in time and I should go in on the 8th September regardless so they can do a formal assessment and decide on an action/treatment plan accordingly.

When I went for my bloods and line flush the doctor at the day unit this afternoon also said pretty much the same and also if my eyes are still bad next Monday he can look at some different antibiotics to try.

So it's carry on as what has been normal for most of the the last 5 months, limited social contact, clean diet etc.


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