A Close Shave

Yes this morning I had my first shave for about 3 months. I actually had some hair growing on my top lip and chin. It was mostly fine teenage bum fluff but it's an encouraging sign. My eyebrows and eyelashes are also making a slow come back ( last to go first to come back maybe?).

Work has been fine this week and I don't feel as tired as I did last week so clearly my sleep patterns are adjusting ok.

My sandwiches on Monday were delicious, the addition of lettuce, tomato and spring onion makes all the difference.

Meanwhile the Yul Brynner story continues. My friend Mike pointed me to this page on the Internet Movie Database that lists trivia for the film The King and I:-

"The reality of the "Shall We Dance" sequence was that Deborah Kerr suffered continual bruising from the hoops in her skirt, and Yul Brynner - a heavy chain-smoker who had already lost a lung to his habit - had to take oxygen in between takes."

So it does look like the registrar was right about Yul only having one lung however the fact he needed oxygen is not a good advert for being able to cope on reduced respiratory or blood oxygen bearing capacity.


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