T + 54 GCSF = Generate Considerable Sickly Feelings

Well I took my GCSF injection last night around 22:00 the same time as I did on Wednesday when I had no reactions at all. By 22:30 I was on the loo and feeling like I wanted to be sick as well, along with the feeling feint and cold sweats.

The feelings eased after about 20 minutes or so and at least I could just go straight to bed. I slept fine and apart from feeling a bit tired today I have no "hangover" from the reaction.

It's odd that on Wednesday it was ok in the evening but last night it wasn't. I wonder if it is some how food related either in terms of what I have eaten or how much and when.

I'll see what the doc says on Wednesday at the transplant clinic and whether it's worth trying the alternative to GCSF. If push comes to shove I could just put up with the funny turns. They are not pleasant but half an hour once or twice a week isn't too bad I suppose.


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