T + 219 Hippo feet..... (PG)
So I expect none of you were able to sleep wondering what was the third question I asked the doctor yesterday.
Well it was about the use of compression socks. As I've men
tion before the blood pressure tablet I am on causes water retention that makes my feet swell and by the end of the day they can be quite uncomfortable.
My dad has some special compression socks to help with his veins and I asked the doc if I could try some and she said it would be worth doing. So from yesterday lunchtime onwards I wore a pair borrowed from my dad and they seemed to really help. I was able to stand at the sink in the evening helping Gareth make coleslaw and potato salad for his charity BBQ and I didn't feel uncomfortable at all.
However today I did a more controlled experiment and wore just one sock to see how much difference it made.
Here is the photographic evidence of the results. ( You'll be pleased to know clicking on the pics won't embiggen them due to a cock up in how I posted them that I can't be arsed to correct :o)
First both feet first thing in the morning when they are at their most shapely:-

Here we are with one sock on. (Snazzy eh? )

Here they are side by side at the end of the working day (the one on the left that had the sock looks less swollen) :-
Here's a close up of the foot that had the sock. Not a dainty ankle it is true but you can make out the curve of the ankle and the ankle bone.

Some close ups of the other , hippo foot.
A cankle if ever I saw one:-
So I'd say that was a success and I shall ask the doc to prescribe me some compression socks of my own.