T + 269 No News is Good News

Ok where did that week go? Time does seem to fly by at the moment, still better than being bored.

Anyway, on Monday morning I went up to the day unit to have my bloods taken for my ciclosporin level and kidney function etc. The ever friendly staff were pleased to see me and were saying it had been a while since I had been there, which is a good thing really.

I expected a phone call on the Tuesday asking me to reduce my ciclosporin dose but no such call came. I thought perhaps it would instead be picked up on the Thursday review of all the normal Wednesday transplant clinic results but again no call yesterday. So if I make it through to the end of the day without a call I reckon my levels must have sorted themselves out.

Aside from sitting watching the phone this has been a busy week at work and I've been in to the office on Tuesday and Thursday. It makes those days quite long and very tiring but it worth it I think. The end of the week has been extra busy as my boss has made her annual pilgrimage to the Download festival so I have had to cover all the systems.

and now for a non-medical bit

Phrase and Fable

The other day in response to seeing some glowering rain clouds on the horizon at the office I commented: "It's a bit black over Bill's Mother's" and this was received by blank looks even by one of my colleagues who claims to be a fellow Brummie ( it may be a black country saying I guess ).

Which got me thinking about other phrases and aphorisms I have that are either local to the Midlands or even to just my family. Here are some of them and the context in which they are used:-

It's a bit black over Bill's Mother's

Used on seeing bad weather in some unidentified point on the horizon. The reasoning being I guess that Bill is a pretty common name and some woman "over there" might have a son called Bill.

Pick up your parrots and monkeys and face the boat.

Said by my Mom usually when we were ready to leave after visiting a particular Aunt. A reference to sailors coming back after foreign shore leave I suppose but also slightly redolent of "pick up your paraphernalia".

Do Asquith of it

Said by my Mom ( and occasionally by me ) meaning to do nothing and wait. Prime Minister Asquith had this reputation apparently.

It's time all good folks were in their beds and rogues about their business

Said by my Great Grandmother ( according to my Mom , I never actually knew her ) when guests had overstayed their welcome. The guests never knew if they were being referred to as the good folk or the rogues.

They want cutting for their simples

I think this is a Stanford special. Said by one of my Dad's Mom when seeing something offensive on TV such as football hooligans on the news. Never really knew exactly what this meant and we were too polite to ask. Maybe some reference to lobotomies? ( or worse ).

Eleven O'Clock and not a whore in the house dressed

Said by me and used with any particular time to indicate things are behind schedule. I wasn't sure where I got this from but having googled it, chances are I heard it on one of my favourite Radio 4 programmes "Quote Unquote" (stop groaning Andy). The full version can be found here and runs to:-

"Heavens, eleven o'clock and not a whore in the house dressed , not a po emptied and the streets full of Spanish sailors"

Which is rather wonderful.

You play ball with us, then we'll shove the bat up your arse

Said by me to indicate that the other party in some negotiation is not being reasonable and allowing for some give and take, or taking liberties etc. Not sure where I got this one from but it does rather graphically illustrate a point.

I would be fascinated to know if any of you also use these sayings or if you have ones of your own.


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