T + 263 Teeth and Telephones

Well it's been a more medical week than I was expecting after the consultant set my next appointment for 28 days time last Wednesday.

On Tuesday I was minding my own business chewing some chewing gum when half one of my back teeth fell away. Well not quite half but a biggish chunk off the tooth I had a really deep filling in a couple of years ago. It didn't hurt thankfully but having recently discussed avoiding all but essential dental treatment with the hospital I was a bit apprehensive about having to get this fixed.

I phoned the dentist and as I wasn't in pain I got an appointment for midday the next day, Wednesday. I went along expecting to have to work out a treatment plan to discuss with the hospital and have to get extra antibiotics to cover it. I was armed with my list of drugs and contact numbers etc. but as it turned out it was part of my filling that had fallen away rather the tooth itself. The dentist was able to drill out a bit more and re-do the filling all without the need for local anaesthetic injections. 

Thursday I went in to the office and had a long but production day upgrading an Oracle database which was ok though I did get the collywobbles a couple of times due to the intensity of it all. I was really tired by the end of it as well I must say.

Finally, on Friday I was minding my own business, again, when the land line rang and the Caller ID was showing "unavailable" so I was expecting some tele-marketer or some such but it was one of the bone marrow transplant nurses. She was ringing to ask me if I could go in to the day unit on Monday for blood tests for my ciclosporin and urea levels as they were a bit high from the last test. This is a bit unusual because the call normally comes on the Thursday, the day after a clinic visit and this had been over a week instead.

Maybe the results were late being processed or maybe I just slipped the net last week and got picked up on a subsequent patient review. Anyway I'm not too concerned, the nurse said they were only a bit high and I have been keeping up the three litres of fluids a day so it shouldn't affect my kidneys too adversely. If they do need to reduce my ciclosporin below the current 25mg twice a day then I will need to use the nasty tasting liquid version of ciclosproin because 25mg is the smallest capsule they do.


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