T + 614 Give Me Your Money

Well I finally got the printed copy of my novel Reunion ready.


So if you know me and more importantly I know you email address then you might soon receive an email from me that looks like the following. ( Apologies in advance if you receive more than one copy I might have more than one email address for you. )

Don't forget you can also donate via my Just Giving Page, http://www.justgiving.com/SimonStanford.

Subject: Give me your money! (Please)


Well, when I say give "me" your money what I actually mean is give Cure Leukaemia your money.

Here's the story (literally).



Donate money to the charity Cure Leukaemia to help me reach my target of £250.


It's a very worthy cause.
I've benefited from the research and other projects the charity has funded as part of my treatment for Mantle Cell Lymphoma.
I wrote a book in 30 days. ( No, really. I did.)


Buy a copy of my book from this link http://bit.ly/ReunionBlurb and all the profits (about £2.49, hardback or paperback ) will go to Cure Leukaemia.

Read the book online at the the site here http://www.abctales.com/user/raetsel and then donate whatever you can afford via my Just Giving page here:- http://www.justgiving.com/SimonStanford ( I'll let you into a secret, you don't have to read the book you can just donate and pretend you've read it. There won't be a test on it.)


As soon as possible please. It's just a click away:-



The first draft of the book "Reunion" was written in just 30 days from the 1st to 30th November 2009 as part of the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) competition. The aim of the competition is to encourage would be writers to stop procrastinating or endlessly fiddling with a sentence here or there and just get on and actually write a whole book.

Subsequent to that first draft of 50,000 words I've made a few corrections to spelling mistakes and continuity errors but by and large the book you can buy at http://bit.ly/ReunionBlurb is pretty much the way it was when I finished it in that last week of November, 2009.

I thought I could use this accomplishment as a means to raise money for a charity very close to my heart (pun intended), Cure Leukaemia.

Although I don't have Leukaemia but instead a related blood cancer called Mantle Cell Lymphoma, the charity funds work that is relevant to all blood related cancers and in particular helps fund the Centre for Clinical Haematology at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham. The doctors, nurses and all other staff at the centre do an amazing job and this is just by small way of saying thank you to them for all the help they've given me.

You can read more about the charity here: http://www.cureleukaemia.co.uk/

You can read more about my treatment for Mantle Cell Lymphoma at my blog here: http://simonstanford.blogspot.com/ ( Click on the "My Story So Far" tab if you want to read about how it all began for me. )

Thanks for reading and please: GIVE ME YOUR MONEY


Simon Stanford.


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