T + 408 Preparations

Well the last week I've been doing pretty well, getting back to normal. I went in to the office Tuesday and Thursday this week and hopefully I'll be able to get back to making that the regular timetable.

That said, since I started reducing my prednisolone to 5mg and 2.5mg on alternate days I have felt a bit rougher in the mornings and quite tired come the evening with a couple of early nights already. Today (Friday) was probably the worst it has been but I've still been able to log on to work ok though I did have a little nap at lunch time , which helped a lot.

We shall have to see how this goes. Not ideal conditions for NaNoWriMo perhaps but what you gonna do? It's like the driver lost in a strange village asks the straw chewing yokel "How do I get to town?" "Oh I wouldn't start from here if I were you" comes the reply.

Speaking of NaNowriMo...


My preparations for this year's competition have been going well and I've worked out the main story arc and about 14 scenes in outline ( all of which you are allowed to do as long as you don't start writing the prose). It's looking a little on the light side to last 50,000 words maybe but hopefully it will flesh itself out as I go along.

Tomorrow, Oct 31st, I'm planning on going to the midday Coffee Lounge meet up for Midlands NaNoWrimers (as we are known).

I've also had a rush of blood to the head and decided to go to the midnight write in ( like a sleep over but writing instead of sleeping ). We meet up in the Thistle Hotel in Birmingham at 21:00 on Saturday 31st October for general chat and settling in and then on the stroke of midnight we can start writing.

The idea is to write through to about 08:00 and then go for breakfast in the hotel. Whether I make it that far I don't know but I thought it would be fun to try. I'm getting a lift in to town so I can just get a taxi back at whatever time I call it a day without having to worry about driving whilst tired.

I've also booked Monday off work to help me recover though I am hoping to use that time to boost my word count as well.

The working title for my novel is "Reunion"


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