T + 730 Now We Are Two

Today is the second anniversary of my Bone Marrow Transplant. Or if you prefer it is my immune system's second birthday.

Two years on and things are going really rather well. Apart from the little hiccough with shingles last month, since the beginning of this year there has been a steady reduction in medication and a steady return to normal life.

Looking back to this time last year things were a bit rough as the steroid withdrawal was causing a problem and I had the beginning of my under active thyroid taking effect. Even so over two years I've only been back in hospital twice ( by a strange coincidence both in August almost exactly a year apart. Trust me I do not use the Queen Elizabeth hospital for my Summer holidays. )

I also passed another small milestone along the way. The 12th September was 900 days since I first started chemo in preparation for the transplant that was to follow a few months later.

By this time next year I really should be back to being as normal as I am going to get ( you can interpret that a number of ways of course but I am just referring to medical matters. ;o)


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