T+329 Back in hospital

Yes a live blog posting from the QE hospital. It all started on Saturday when I woke feeling rough with absolutely no energy. then my anti-fungal medicine made me heave though I wasn't actually sick.

My temperature was a bit up at 37.6 more than my usual 36.5 but below the danger level of 38. Unfortunately I had to logon to work to help with the go live of a new server and my colleague (and now boss) was on holiday so there was noone to cover for me. I struggled through the changes needed in between spells in bed.

Sunday I felt a little better and my temperature was down to 37.3 but I still had no energy at all. Monday I started out feeling even better but after bringing the sainsbury's delivery upstairs and putting it away I felt worse again and had to go back to bed. I had asked mom and dad to pop over in the afternoon and when I got up to see them I had another bout of dry heaving with a tiny spec of blood in it (most likely from the straining + not fetching anything up) . I decided at this point as I wasn't really improving I should call the hospital.

The Transplant doctor asked me to come up to the day unit and whilst they waited for blood and NPA results (see medical glossary) she decided to admit me. There were no beds available on the transplant unit or haematology ward where I had been before but by 1700 I was settled in to the admissions bay on the Bournville Ward (still at the QE not actually in Bournville).

I had a reasonable night + feel much better today, must be the placebo affect of all this attention :o). The doc had prescribed me some Tamiflu just as a precaution and because of that I was moved to a single room which was all quite jolly until a nurse wearing gloves, apron and a mask came in with some bottles and a commode! I'm obviously not allowed to leave this room.

However since I started typing up this blog (which takes ages on the touch screen of the bedside terminal) the doc has been to see me + said my blood work was all clear apart from my infection markers were high ( 44 when the usual level is 10 ) so I obviously have or have had an infection.

I'm being sent home today on antibiotics and precautionary tamiflu whilst they await the results of the snot sample but it's not likely I have flu of any sort. I'm still not 100 percent and get tired easily but that is prolly steroid withdrawal symptoms like I had a few months ago. I'm going back up to 5mg a day from alternate days as my gvhd rash has come back a bit as well which is a disappointment.

Right time to pack whilst I await drugs from pharmacy. sorry for any typos it's this keyboard.


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