T + 19 Improving (PG)

I had an improving day yesterday, the diarrhoea continues to improve and last night my temperature didn't go above 37.4 which hardly counts as a temperature at all.

One of the down sides to having my line out is not having easy access for blood tests or antibiotic injections so there was a bit of stabbing yesterday as my veins are quite poor because of one of the chemo drugs I had a while back which causes them to constrict.

The nurses managed to get blood out after about 4 attempts and late last night the doctor put a canula in the back of my right hand so I can have my antibiotic injection. It's not the most convenient place for a canula but with a tubigrip bandage over it it's not too bad.

I'm going through quite a tired spell now. After I had a shower this morning it sort of came over me in a wave, the way it does sometimes. I shall just have to take it easy.


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